Playdate | Stroll In
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Stroll In Playdate

With Stroll In Playdate Club, you can find a family with similar interests as yours and schedule a playdate.

Why Playdate




of parents feel lonely for at least some time

of parents feel lack of companionship

of new parents feel lonely and isolated

Have you ever felt lonely as a parent? 

If the answer is yes, you are not alone!

According to Coram 56% of parents feel lonely for at least some time, whereas 21% of parents feel a lack of companionship. Another survey of over 8000 young parents done by Nestle shows that 32% of new parents feel lonely and isolated. Loneliness can lead to depression. Parental depression, in its turn, can undermine healthy parenting (read more here) - we definitely do not want that. 

We at Stroll In want to make families thrive through connections and contribute to the solution of this problem and alleviate parental loneliness and minimize the risk of depression.


With Stroll IN new feature connecting families: Playdate Club!


Sometimes your current circle of friends and relatives is just not enough because you cannot find time, because you or your kids do not share the same interests or other reasons. Sometimes you are a newly arrived expat and just do not have any connections at all. How to start building your own "village"?

With a playdate club, you can find a family with similar interests as yours and schedule a playdate.

All you need to do is click the button above and fill out the survey.*

*As this is a beta version, Stroll IN will act as an intermediate and propose/connect with potential playdate matches manually. If you like the family you have been matched with - go ahead and schedule a playdate (always good to chat sometime before) - build your own village! All Playdate Club members will be verified through Social media accounts (Facebook and/or Linked In). Nevertheless, remember, safety first!

Vector art is designed by pch.vector from

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